Superstats:Primary: Endurance
Secondary: Ego/Constitution
Powers:Level 1: Shadow Bolt
Level 1: Shadow Blast
Level 6: Teleport
Level 6: Shadow Embrace (R3, Fatal Allure)
Level 8: Shadow Form (R3)
Level 11: Grasping Shadows (Unyielding Agony)
Level 14: Concentration
Level 21: Ebon Void (R3, Voracious Darkness)
Level 17: Ebon Rift (R2, Vengeful Shadows)
Level 25: Spirit Reverberation
Level 30: Shadow Shroud (R2, Terrifying Visage)
Level 35: Lifedrain (R2, Vampiric Sympathy, Accelerated Metabolism)
Level 35: Superspeed (R3) or Flight (R3) + Dark Speed (R3)
Level 40: Ebon Ruin (R2, Paranormal Paranoia, Nyctophobia)
Specialisation:Endurance: Readiness (3/3)
Endurance: Gear Utilization (3/3)
Endurance: Kickback (2/2)
Endurance: Hardened (2/2)
Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
Guardian: Locus (2/2)
Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
Guardian: Find the Mark (3/3)
Avenger: Ruthless (2/2)
Avenger: Round 'em Up (3/3)
Avenger: Surprise Attack (2/2)
Avenger: Relentless Assault (3/3)
Mastery: Endurance Mastery (1/1)
Gear: Primary Offense:
[Heroic Gloves of Precision] + Gambler's Lucky Gem
Primary Defense:
[Heroic Breastplate of Agility] + Gambler's Lucky Gem
Primary Utility:
[Heroic Helmet of Efficiency] + Gambler's Lucky Gem