OK, here's another character I created a long time ago that I just got to 40. It's a bit of a freeform take on the behemoth. I have a general rule of play that I don't use healing devices/patches or shield devices so this is essentially a Behemoth with built in healing instead of crafted heals. There's also some thematic stuff as well.
Here is the stat sheet.
i162.photobucket.com/albums/t254/KenpoJuJitsu3/Champions%20Online/GameClient2011-09-2314-04-36-18.pngVideo of this build in actionIt was requested that I show this build going toe to toe with a cosmic as opposed to the usual powerhouse videos I do since the stacked defenses on this build are beyond overkill for anything in the powerhouse.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Fm85tEri8Current GearPrimary Offense: +59 STR, +20 CON, +15 INT
Secondary Offense 1: +20 STR, +8 CON, +8 END
Secondary Offense 2: +20 STR, +8 END, +8 INT
Primary Defense: +59 CON, +20 STR, +8 INT, +8 PRE
Secondary Defense 1: +29 INT, +8 STR
Secondary Defense 2: +29 INT, +8 STR
Primary Utility: +75 INT, +20 CON
Secondary utility 1: +20 CON, +15 INT
Secondary Utility 2: +20 CON, +15 INT
Star Breaker: Level 40 Champion
Level 5: Super Constitution
Level 13: Super Strength
Level 1: Clobber
Level 1: Roomsweeper -- Rank 3, Rank 2, Challenging Strikes
Level 5: Mighty Leap
Level 5: Heroic Flight -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 8: Defiance -- Rank 3, Rank 2
Level 11: Demolish -- Below The Belt
Level 14: Energy Shield -- Laser Knight, Rank 2
Level 17: Resurgence -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 20: Bionic Shielding -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 23: Aggressor -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 26: Energy Wave -- Hardened Particle Matrix
Level 29: Enrage
Level 32: Inertial Dampening Field
Level 35: Molecular Self Assembly
Level 35: Light Speed -- Rank 2, Rank 3
Level 38: Shockwave -- Challenging Strikes
Level 1: Superhuman
Level 6: Physical Conditioning
Level 9: Healthy Mind
Level 12: Body and Mind
Level 15: Mighty
Level 18: Enduring
Level 21: Brilliant
ExplanationsClobber - Energy builder, nothing special
Roomsweeper w/ Challenging Strikes - Primary attack, enrage stacker. Added Challenging Strikes to assist in being an off-tank.
Mighty Leap - Running a melee toon you gotta have a way to get close. Also serves as a short cooldown move to proc our energy return power later.
Defiance - Primary means of defense. +17% resistance per stack resulting in +102% resistance total.
Demolish - A thematic power pick and a very powerful damage debuff.
Energy Shield w/ Laser Knight - A block enhancer for tanking and a +33% damage resistance buff when ever a melee attack is performed...which is most of the time in this build. Theme-wise you'll notice the somewhat elaborate sleeve on Star Breaker's left arm where the shield is emitted.
Resurgence - Your oh $&%^ button for when you need a burst of health. Scales with CON and works best wen you have high levels of mitigation to prevent the heal from being instantly wiped out a few seconds later.
Bionic Shielding - The go to first heal when things get rough. Heals when struck with damage up to five times, works best when supported with damage mitigation...the more the better and this build has plenty.
Aggressor - Melee crushing damage buff that procs on attacks that cause knock. Roomsweeper and an attack coming up later will do this.
Energy Wave w/ Hardened Particle Matrix - This power was picked mostly for theme. It serves as the energy projection aspect of the character. Mechanics wise it provides a moderate damage protection shield that scales its strength on the number of targets hit...so use it in a crowd. This move also knocks and part of the knock scales with Strength (I wish Force had this 50/50 STR/EGO spilt..
but someone somewhere decided that having a power hungry set like force also need EGO for knocks was a good idea. Funny, I don't see many impulse ATs out there...oh, what were we talking about?)
Enrage - Since Cryptic loves to have unskippable cutscenes in their game and also loves to
not freeze the timers on buffs/debuffs during this time this power serves as a means to get some of those enrage stacks back. You get more stacks when you have your defiant stacks built up so wait before clicking this.
Inertial Dampening Field - Yet another defensive layer that also ties into the energy projection theme of the character. This power has a negative effect on energy management that is offset by high INT, energy return from Defiance and the next power.
Molecular Self Assembly - Energy return that ticks 3 times in 6 seconds whenever a power comes off of cooldown. With the stats shown this power will give 29 energy per tick after a power comes off of cooldown..so Mighty Leap will more than pay for itself.
Shockwave w/ Challenging Strikes - I wanted some kind of ranged option and this one fit the theme. Also, it's a good carrier for challenging strikes to either get a mobs attention or to stack CS threat on top of the CS threat from roomsweeper.